English Pronouncer

ClearSpell Out

Explanation Consonants American Vowels British Vowels

This page helps you pronounce English words and names written in the Musa Alphabet, in two different ways.

The low-tech way just shows all the sounds of English in three charts: consonants, American vowels, and British vowels. Open a chart by clicking on its button above.

For each Musa letter, we show the equivalent in both enPR, the popular system used by the American Heritage Dictionary (AHD), and in IPA, the International Phonetic Alphabet. You can also click on the phrases to hear audio clips.

The British dialect used here is Standard Southern British as presented by Geoff Lindsey. We don't have audio clips for the vowels, and we show John Wells' Lexical Sets instead of AHD.

The high-tech way reads the phrase in the white box and spells it out, sound by sound, using the sample phrases. You can type your phrase into the box with Musa Keyboards or using the Musa letters on the charts as keys, or - even easier - just paste it. Then press the Spell Out button.

On this page, we don't care whether vowels are high or low - stressed or not.

mmmaritime museum nnneon napkins ngŋhanging tongue
bbcubic robot ddgolden flounder dzʣBrad's beards jʤbadger lodging ggvegan yogurt
ppballpark sports club ttdisaffected stepdaughter tsʦKate's cats chʧjudo coach kkskeptical groundhog
punhip flipflops twhite-hot outfit kbookrack backpacks
pprepared papaya ttortilla trio tsʦʰtsarist tsunami chʧʰChinese checkers kconcrete question
vvvelvet valves thðleather clothing zzzoo zebras zhʒAsian massage
fffluffy photographer thθthirteenth Goth ssserious silliness shʃshoeshine action
wwwet whiskers lllovely lilies rɹrubber rainwear yjyesterday's youth lɫoil spill
-.night-owl trmetal plating rːYorkshire terrier hhhungry hammerhead 'ʔuh-oh
ĭɪsilver pin əgolden helmet o͝oʊwooden hook
ĕɛred dress ŭʌcup of mustard ôɔauburn hawk
ăæblack cat äaalmond lager yo͞ojuwfuchsia cube
ēijgreen tea îrɪɹclear beer o͞ouwblue moon
āejgray day ârɛɹpear chair ōowrose coat
īajwhite tie ärscarlet car ouawbrown cow
oiɔjturquoise toy ôrɔɹorange horse ûrɜɹpurple shirt
īrajɹfire pyre o͝orʊɹpoor gourd ourawɹflour tower
ɪKIT əcommA ɵFOOT
ɛjFACE ɛːSQUARE əwGOAT
ɑjə(PYRE) ɵːCURE awə(POWER)

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