The IPA transcriber is a tool that enables you to convert text written in the International Phonetic Alphabet into Musa. With a little hinting, it can also understand X-SAMPA or Kirshenbaum notation; you can even mix all four scripts. You still have to check the output, but it's a good start.
Some Kirshenbaum symbols are the same as IPA or X-SAMPA symbols for different sounds. To avoid ambiguity, use the following tricks:
This same transcriber can also generate IPA, X-SAMPA, or Kirshenbaum, with some oddities. For example, it will put the stress mark before the vowel, not the syllable. If you try a round trip, for example from IPA to IPA, the output won't match the input exactly, because it's passing through Musa. But it will be close, and useable.
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